Car Brake Campas Characteristics Run Out: Here's An Explanation And The Right Time To Replace It

YOGYAKARTA - We often use cars on traffic jams such as in the capital city of Jakarta, of course, it will be one of the reasons why the brake campaign runs out quickly. This is natural, because when we are in that condition we will often pull the brakes lever. If it is often like that then be careful if your brake camp runs out, it can be dangerous! So what are the characteristics of car brakes running out?

In this situation, you will definitely need to make a new replacement for the brake camp. But don't be in a hurry, it's not necessarily that feature shows the brakes are running out, there are many other characteristics that you need to pay attention to when the brake camp runs out. Here are some characteristics of car brakes having run out and needing to be replaced immediately.

There are several characteristics of the brake camp that run out and need to be replaced. Here are some characteristics that you should not miss because it indicates that the brake camp needs to be replaced.

1. Voiced sound

If a loud voice appears when braking, this also characterizes if you need to change the brake camp. Generally, this sound is a kind of sound of friction of iron or metal.

This happened when the brakes were running out, leaving only the iron.

2. Tidak Pakem Brakes

When the car brake camp runs out, you will also feel that the brakes on the vehicle are not so standard. This took place due to the less thorough suppression of the axion of the disk, so that the cross section area of the brakes was also smaller.

This will make the resulting braking staff less than optimal even though you have pressed the brake pedal deeper. If you have entered this situation, then you must be vigilant and quickly replace the car brake camp. If left alone, it will certainly be at risk of life threatening and endangering other road users.

Because cars are more difficult to brake, and can increase the risk of unwanted traffic accidents.

3. Pedal Rem Feels Vibrating When Stepped On

As explained a little above, if when the brake pedal feels shaking when stepped on, then it can be a clue that your brake camp must be replaced immediately. The brakes that run out make the surface no longer flat, so it will feel shaking.

The brake disk slab also cannot grip perfectly, so that the vibration on the brake pedal is increasingly felt. Surely this can make you uncomfortable when applying braking. Moreover, the vibration is in fact not only felt on the brake pedal, but also results in the steering wheel or steering if it is not handled quickly. Apart from being uncomfortable, this condition can also be risky for all of you and all passengers.

4. Pedal Rem Feels Deep

The characteristics of the car brake camp have run out, the next step on the brake pedal that feels deeper than usual. Usually you will feel this situation when the tromol brake camp on the rear wheel has run out.

The reason is that the tromol brakes have a rebounding spring, so that when the piston moves far away it will always return to its original position. It is different when the car brakes are still thick, because the brakes can be pressed easily even though the piston moves a little.

5. Reduced Rem oil Volume

The reduced brake oil can also be one of the characteristics if the car brakes are running low or out.

You can check this brake oil through the hood of the car. If you find the volume of oil going down even though there is no leakage, then it is likely that if the vehicle brake camp has run out or is running low.

This is because the thin brake camp will form a moving or pushed piston further and exit, thereby raising the hydraulic space inside the Kaliper which causes the brake oil to also shrink.

Not a few car owners are still confused about the right time to change their car brakes. Recognizing the characteristics and characteristics of the brake camp can be used as a benchmark for replacing car brakes. But usually, the average car manufacturer has ensured a replacement schedule for each vehicle component.

For example, replacing the brake camp is recommended when the car reaches a distance of 60,000-70,000 kilometers for models with manual transmission. On the other hand, cars with automatic transmission have a faster replacement agenda, namely when the distance is 35,000-40,000. This is because the braking system on automatic cars is indeed working harder so that the replacement agenda is also faster.

So after knowing the characteristics of the car brake camp run out, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, when it revolutionized the news!