Regarding Debates Using English, Gibran Leaves It To The KPU

Vice Presidential Candidate number 2 Gibran Rakabuming Raka responded to the proposal for a special session for the presidential and vice presidential elections in 2024 using English. Gibran handed over the matter to the General Elections Commission (KPU).

"KPU, KPU," said Gibran at Grand Sahid Jaya Jakarta, Wednesday, December 6.

Gibran also confirmed his absence from an interactive discussion entitled 'Stealing the Heart of the Young Candidate' which was held by a private television station. The mayor of Solo emphasized that he only attended official debate events such as those held by the KPU.

"I came to the official debate," said Gibran.

Meanwhile, the KPU has opened its voice regarding the proposed debate using English in a coordination meeting with three presidential candidate teams (candidates) and vice president (cawapres). The KPU admitted that it did not receive the proposal in a coordination meeting held at the KPU Office, Jakarta today, Wednesday, December 6.

"No one has proposed it (a debate using English, ed)," said KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari, Wednesday, December 6.








However, Hasyim did not question if during the debate the presidential and vice-presidential candidates wanted to use English.

"If you want to answer English, you can also answer English. But, it's our people who speak Indonesian," he said.

Previously, Gerindra Party Board of Trustees, Andre Rosiade, proposed a special session for the presidential and vice-presidential candidates using English. According to him, the elected president and vice president must have skills in international relations. "We propose that only a debate be held in English," Andre said in a post on the X account @andre_rosiade.