Government Collaborates With World Technology Competence For Indonesian Digital Workers

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said Indonesia's digital economy has enormous potential. Therefore, at that time the government had collaborated with several world technology companies to be able to pursue the digital ecosystem.

Airlangga said the world technology giant companies that have been collaborated with include Apple Inc, Microsoft Corporation,, Inc and International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) to be able to improve the competence of digital workers in Indonesia.

"We have collaborated with the pre-employment of Digital talent with Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, IBM, so this (digital ecosystem) must continue to be encouraged," said Airlangga at the launch of the National Strategy for Digital Economy Development in Indonesia 2030, Wednesday, December 6.

According to Airlangga, in the next 15 years, Indonesia will need 9 million professional workers to develop the potential of the digital market.

"So we have to prepare 600 thousand digital talents every year if we don't want our talents to be taken by other countries," said Airlangga.

In addition, the development of the digital sector is also prepared through strengthening research and development (Rnd). The government is preparing incentives in the form of super tax deduction or tax reduction incentives of 300 percent for RnD activities.

"Then the strengthening of the RND government has prepared a super tax reduction for RND of 300 percent, the process will also be made easier to get a super tax deduction and the mechanism will be simplified," he explained.

Arilangga emphasized that some of these things have also been summarized in the national title white book for the development of Indonesia's digital economy 2030 which was just launched today.

Meanwhile, Airlangga hopes that the white paper will serve as a guideline for the Ministry of Agriculture/Institutions and other stakeholders in implementing the development of the digital economy.