Climbing When Mount Marapi Erupts, One Member Of The West Sumatra Police Is Still Being Sought

A total of two members of the West Sumatra Regional Police were also victims of the eruption of Mount Marapi (2,982 meters above sea level) which occurred on Sunday (3/12).

"I declare that there is, there is indeed and the police are humans too, maybe they want a vacation too," said West Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Suharyono in Bukittinggi as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, December 5.

This was conveyed by the Kapolda at the Achmad Mochtar Hospital (RSAM) Bukittinggi City which was designated as the identification location for the victims of the eruption of Mount Marapi.

The Kapolda said the two police officers who were victims of the eruption of Mount Marapi were on duty at the Samapta Bhayangkara (Sabhara) Directorate of the West Sumatra Police. The two of them left to climb Mount Marapi without direct permission from the leadership.

"I don't know when he will depart, but what is certain is Saturday (2/12) Sunday night. So, this may take time off," said the Kapolda.

The two-star police general suspects that the two police personnel boarded Mount Marapi in a state of release because the eruption occurred on Sunday (3/12). The two police officers are expected to climb the mountain on Saturday (2/12).

Regarding the condition of the two victims, Inspector General Suharyono said one police officer was successfully evacuated safely and had received intensive care until he was allowed to return home. Meanwhile, one other police officer is still in search of the joint SAR team.

"What is clear is that the parents of the members are currently still waiting at the hospital," he said.

The Kapolda asked the public to also pray for the victims who have not been found, including one personnel from the West Sumatra Regional Police, so that they can be found and evacuated immediately.

Previously, the West Sumatra Police had established a Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) post at the Nagari Batu Palamo Guardian Office, Agam Regency to help victims affected by the eruption of Mount Marapi.