Komnas HAM: Handling Rohingya Refugees Must Referr To Presidential Decree 125

BANDA ACEH - The National Human Rights Commission for the Aceh Representative stated that the handling of Rohingya refugees entering the Aceh Province in recent weeks must refer to Presidential Regulation Number 125 of 2016 concerning the Handling of Foreign Refugees.

"Regarding Rohingya refugees, Perpres 125/2016 regarding the handling of refugees from abroad must be a reference," said Head of Komnas HAM Aceh Representative Sepriady Utama as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, December 5.

He said the Komnas HAM monitoring team had made field visits to four temporary shelters for Rohingya refugees in Aceh, namely the former Lhokseumawe Immigration Office, SKB Cot Gapu Bireuen, Pante Kulee Bate, and Mina Raya Padang Tijie Pidie.

Before visiting the field, the Komnas HAM team also held a meeting with the Acting Governor of Aceh, Forkopimda Lhokseumawe, Bireuen, Pidie, UNHCR, and IOM.

"In general, the acting Governor of Aceh conveyed to the Komnas HAM team that the local government on the grounds that humanity would temporarily accommodate the refugees in accordance with central government policies," he said.

Regarding the arrival of Rohingya refugees and the current phenomenon of resistance, Sepriady said that all relevant parties should continue to carry out their obligations and responsibilities for handling refugees by referring to available legal instruments, namely Perpres 125, international provisions that apply generally and applicable laws and regulations.

Therefore, Komnas HAM asks all parties to be consistent in implementing the available rules, ranging from discovery, shelter, security to immigration supervision.

"Special attention is needed to the phenomenon of resistance so that the situation that places or results in the community's position to deal directly with refugees can be avoided," he said.

By considering humanitarian reasons, continued Sepriady, the government, UNHCR and IOM have the obligation to handle the Rohingya refugees.

He also asked UNHCR to increase coordination with the Indonesian government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Refugee Handling Task Force, acting Governor of Aceh, Task Force for Handling Overseas Refugees in Aceh Province, Aceh Police Chief, relevant regents/mayors, and Directorate General of Immigration.

"All parties must ensure that refugees do not leave the refugee camps illegally or without permission as has happened so far because such actions have the potential for smuggling people and human trafficking," explained Sepriady Utama.