VIDEO: Amazing Gibran Rakabuming Raka 'Keseleo Lidah'

JAKARTA - Presidential and vice-presidential candidates are intensively campaigning for a number of regions. As done by candidate pair number 2 Prabowo-Gibran. There are incidents that attract public attention, Gibran Rakabuming Raka mistakenly mentions folic acid as sulfate acid as a substance needed by pregnant women.

One of these mentions occurred during a Creative Economy Discussion event held in South Jakarta, on Sunday, December 3, 2023. The video clip went viral on social media and drew a lot of comments from netizens because sulfic acid is a harmful substance to the body. Gibran immediately apologized and immediately corrected his statement yesterday. He said the truth is folic acid, not sulphate acid.

This viral video also received a response from Presidential Candidate number 1, Anies Baswedan. According to him, pregnant women need folic acid from plants and not from workshops. However, the Mayor of Solo did not care about the public's response to him, instead he thanked him for being corrected and remaining relaxed. He allowed the public to give an assessment of him.

The son of President Joko Widodo also responded to criticism about giving UHT milk to residents. He said that UHT milk is for children aged two years and over. If two years and under automatically breast milk and MPASI.

In their campaign, Prabowo and Gibran provided assistance in the form of free milk and socialized stunting prevention and the importance of paying attention to the nutrition of pregnant women and babies since the pregnancy. Watch the video below.