Ministry Of Transportation Holds Free Christmas And New Year Homecoming For Motorcycles, Registration Opens Starting Today

The Directorate General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation will hold Free Homecoming for the 2023 Christmas and 2024 New Year holidays for motorcycle users.

Director of Transport Jalan Suharto said this program was present as an effort to anticipate the increase in community travel on the 2024 Nataru holiday which coincided with school holidays.

Based on the results of a survey by the Transportation Policy Agency of the Ministry of Transportation (Baketrans), the prediction of people traveling reached 107.63 million or 39.83 percent of the total national population.

Of these, the majority will use private vehicles, both cars and motorbikes.

Suharto said, in the Nataru Free Homecoming operation plan meeting, the survey results found that 35.57 percent or 39.97 million movements of people would use cars and 17.92 percent or 20.14 million riding motorbikes.

"For this reason, according to the direction of the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi and the Director General of Land Transportation Hendro Sugiatno, we will hold a Free Homecoming on this Nataru holiday," Suharto said, in Jakarta, written Tuesday, December 5.

Suharto said that in the plan to organize the Nataru Free Homecoming, the Directorate General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation provided a quota of 90 AKAP and Tourism Buses with a total of 3,600 passengers.

"For motorcycle vehicles, 120 units are prepared with four trucks," he said.

Online Registration

Suharto said that the registration for the Free Homecoming program was done online through the Mitra Darat application.

The homecoming program is open from today, Tuesday, December 5 to December 20, 2023.

Furthermore, continued Suharto, prospective travelers can register according to the steps directed from the Land Partner application.

"Then, people who have registered online should verify at the head office of the Ministry of Transportation and the Bulungan Blok M GOR for the Jakarta area, as well as Pondok Cabe Terminal for the South Tangerang area," said Suharto.

To ensure the feasibility of buses and trucks as Nataru's Free Homecoming fleet, a ramp check will also be held from 18 to 20 December 2023.

Suharto added that the departure of motorbikes by truck is planned to be carried out on Friday, December 22 from the Pondok Cabe Type A Terminal and the release of free homecoming for passengers on Saturday, December 23, 2023 from the Kampung Rambutan Terminal DKI Jakarta and Pulo Gebang Integrated Terminal.

"63 buses will depart from Pulo Gebang Terminal (2,520 passengers) and Kampung Rambutan Terminal 27 buses (1,080 passengers)," he concluded.

As for the destination city with each unit with a capacity of 40 people, what is prepared is:

1. Jakarta-Solo

2. Jakarta-Yogyakarta

3. Jakarta-Surabaya

4. Jakarta-Wonosobo

5. Jakarta-Semarang

6. Jakarta-Wonogiri

7. Jakarta-Cilacap

8. Jakarta-Putwokerto

9. Jakarta-Malang

10. Jakarta-Kediri

11. Jakarta-Madiun

12. Bus Disabilities

For motorcycles 2 destination cities as follows:

1. Jakarta-Solo

2. Jakarta-Yogyakarta