Ganjar Talks About Downstreaming Of Nickel Industry In Central Sulawesi Will Create Economic Equity

Presidential candidate (candidate) number three, Ganjar Pranowo is optimistic that economic equality and development in Central Sulawesi can be realized through industrial downstreaming. However, improving the quality of human resources (HR) and the involvement of the government and the nickel industry community must also be carried out.

"There are two strategic things that must be implemented in the nickel mining industry in Central Sulawesi. First, creating global competitive human resources," said Ganjar while campaigning in Palu City, Central Sulawesi, Monday, December 4.

"The second is to involve elements of the government and the community in share ownership," he continued.

Ganjar said Central Sulawesi is an area rich in nickel reserves to increase the value of the country's exports and foreign exchange. In addition, this mining commodity can also encourage the development of the downstream nickel ore processing industry into added value products, such as ferronicles, stainless steel, and batteries.

This condition makes Ganjar say that the preparation of human resources (HR) must be carried out. Mainly, for residents in Morowali Regency, which is 3,037 kilometers in terms of the area, it contains nickel.

"We have to prepare from an early age high competitive human resources through improving the quality of education, skills training, and developing local potential," he said.

In addition, local governments must be actively involved in implementing policies that can develop the mining industry in Central Sulawesi. They must implement regulations that have an economic impact on the community.

"Local governments and communities are needed in the nickel industry," said Ganjar.

"Don't just stand still. The government and society must be proactive. Because, in this way, the economic benefits of nickel exploitation will be more evenly distributed to all levels of society and not only benefit certain parties," he concluded.