Ganjar Promises Nationalization Of Asphalt Buton Usage If Wins The 2024 Presidential Election

Presidential candidate number three Ganjar Pranowo is ready to nationalize the use of Buton asphalt if in the future he gets a mandate from the people to become President of the Republic of Indonesia for the period 2024-2029.

"I am ready to make a national policy so that all roads in Indonesia use Buton asphalt," said Ganjar in response to a question from one of the Buton community leaders, Agus Sana'a when face-to-face Candidate Ganjar with community leaders, religious leaders and traditional Southeast Sulawesi leaders in Kendari, Sunday, December 3, confiscated by Antara.

The former Governor of Central Java said that the national policy that will be made regarding the use of Buton asphalt if in the future the people trust to lead Indonesia in the next five years with Mahfud MD as Vice Presidential Candidate will absolutely be carried out because the potential for natural resources in Southeast Sulawesi is extraordinary.

"We have known that what is called Buton asphalt for a long time, since we were in elementary school, historical teachers asked where the Buton asphalt was, the answer was on an island in Southeast Sulawesi," said Ganjar.

In fact, said Ganjar, when he was governor, he had instructed him to build roads using pure Buton asphalt in his area.

"I have implemented it on a number of roads. One of them is the Salatiga-Ngablak road," said Ganjar, then received a lively applause at the dialogue event.

According to Ganjar, the proposal submitted by one of the Buton community stores related to the use of Aspal Buton would be a special national concern if he became President of the Republic of Indonesia for the next five years.

"Please pray from the entire Southeast Sulawesi community. Thank you," said Ganjar, who was agreed by the thousands of people who attended the dialogue.

Presidential Candidate number 3 Ganjar Pranowo is located in Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi in a dialogue with a number of rickshaw brothers, farmers, religious leaders, community leaders, students and taklim assemblies in Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) as a series of first campaigns at Bumi Anoa, Kendari City.

Accompanied by the leaders of the Supporting Party, namely the Chairperson of the PDIP DPW Sulta Lukman Abunawas, the Chairperson of the Southeast Sulawesi PPP DPW Andi Sumagerukka, the Perindo Party DPD and Hanura Sultra DPW at a hotel in Kendari.