Report Rejected By Bareskrim Polri Headquarters, Next Week Jessica Advocate Alliance Will Make Another Police Report

JAKARTA - The cyanide coffee case over the death of Wayan Mirna Salihin has again attracted public attention.

The case, which had passed 7 years ago, was raised again after the release of the Netflix documentary and Lawyer Otto Hasibuan with the Bela Advocate Alliance Jessica reported Edi Darmawan Salihin to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

Edi Darmawan Salihin as the father of the late Mirna was sued by the Jessica Advocate Alliance to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police Headquarters with Article 221 paragraph 1 point 2 of the Criminal Code concerning hiding evidence and Article 32 paragraph 1 related to the ITE Law.

Jessica's defense advocate alliance suspects Edi Darmawan Salihin to keep CCTV which should be in the hands of the police.

Meanwhile, Edi Darmawan Mirna in Karni Ilyas' YouTube content showed a video on his cellphone which was part of CCTV at Olivier's Cafe.

However, the evidence in the form of a YouTube link from Karni Ilyas' interview with Edi Darmawan was not strong enough, so the LP (Police Report) from the Jessica Advocate Alliance was rejected.

"All the evidence we submitted is considered still not sufficient for the requirements for the LP (Police Report)," said one of the lawyers for the Antoni Silo alliance after submitting a report at Bareskrim Polri, Jakarta, Friday, December 1.

Even though the LP was not accepted, the Advocate Alliance for Jessica's defense did not give up, they then made a dumas (community complaints) to the National Police Chief.

"Then we do Dumas, after a long consultation we have included it this afternoon through the general secretariat directly to the National Police Chief," said Antoni.

It doesn't stop there, Antoni added, next week he will make a report that he thinks is odd.

"Next week we will still make reports of other irregularities that occurred during the trial," concluded Antoni Silo at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police Headquarters.