Kiki Fatmala Experiences Cancer Complications Before Her Age, This Is A Medical Explanation Why Cancer Is Deadly

YOGYAKARTA Not all cancer causes death, according to a review in Cancer Research UK reported Friday, December 1. However, it is difficult to talk about diseases that are diadnosed based on this stage. Cancer in the early stages, is usually non-lethal. Overall, 50 out of every 100 people diagnosed with cancer in the UK and Wales can live for more than 10 years. The survival of cancer sufferers has increased and for the past 40 years it has doubled.

The sad news of Kiki Fatmala's death was uploaded by her family through her Instagram account. The upload informed that Kiki Fatmala died today, December 1, at the age of 56 due to complications of cancer she had suffered over the past few years. Having been declared cured in 2021, the family reported that Kiki had cancer complications. What are cancer complications and what factors cause these conditions? The following is scientific explanation in a medical point of view.

How cancer causes death depends on which type of cancer and body part is affected. Some types of cancer start or spread to body parts that play an important role in life, including the following:

1. digestive system

The digestive system is also called the gastrointestinal system (GI). This includes food pipes (esofagus), stomach, pancreas, liver, small intestines and large. Cancer that grows in the digestive system can inhibit or inhibit some of the food so that it cannot pass through the intestines and nutrients and calories needed by the body is not absorbed. If a patient is diagnosed with cancer in the digestive system, it may be possible to undergo surgery to undergo blockage. However, if it is not possible, the medical team will try to control symptoms.

2. Lungs

This type of cancer, lung cancer, which Kiki Fatmala reportedly experienced before experiencing complications and death. Launching the London-based Cancer Research page, lung cancer and or cancer cells that spread to the lungs, may preclude some of the lungs. This part is then damaged and can be infected. When cancer blocks the lungs, healthy lung tissue may not be enough to absorb the oxygen the body needs. If you have advanced cancer, it may not have the strength to fight lung infection even with strong antibiotics so that infection can eventually lead to death. Learning from this explanation, identification of symptoms and thorough examination is important to immediately get intensive care.

3. Tulang

Cancer in the bone can cause calcium that is released into the bloodstream to become unbalanced. The body has a system to repair it, but the system does not function when the imbalance is too large. There is a treatment to return calcium levels to normal, but this treatment only works for a limited period of time. Then the calcium content in the blood can continue to increase. The high calcium content in the body can cause you to become unconscious and eventually die.

Cancer cells can affect the bone cord. Bone Sumsum is a sponge that fills the bones. This produces initial cells called stem cells, which then develop into new blood cells. In the end, cancer patients may not have enough healthy bone cord to make a new bone cord.

4. Heart

The heart is a body chemical factory that performs many tasks very important. Cancer that has spread to the liver can disrupt this chemical balance. This can be life-threatening if the body cannot improve this chemical balance.

5. Vessels

Cancer can grow and damage blood vessels in the body's vital parts. This can cause bleeding in the brain. This bleeding can cause death if it hits certain important parts of the brain.

Many treatments can control cancer for a long time, although it can't be cured. But this is the most reasonable step so that cancer doesn't continue to develop.