Kadin Values The Boycott Of Israel's Affiliated Products Loss To The Domestic Business World

JAKARTA - Daily Acting Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Yukki Nugrahawan Hanafi, assessed that the boycott of products affiliated with Israel has had an impact on the domestic business world.

"Boycott actions have an impact on the business world because they are carried out in the business sector operating in Indonesia and absorb Indonesian workers who depend on companies that are suspected of being affiliated with parties involved in conflicts in Palestine," he said, quoted from ANTARA, Thursday, November 30.

The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said Yukki, condemned any form of violence and oppression that occurred in various parts of the world, including what happened in Palestine.

"We are also neutral in geopolitical issues that occur and focus on developing the business world and national economic growth," he said.

According to Yukki, the boycott that has recently occurred needs to be followed up by the government based on the background of protecting national interests in order to create a conducive legal certainty and business climate by mainstreaming the protection of national interests.

Responding to the development of the boycott issue currently circulating in the community, specifically regarding the information on the list of product brands suspected of being affiliated with parties involved in the Palestinian conflict on social media, the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry referred to the statement of the Secretary of the MUI Commission for Fatwa Miftahul Huda.

On Friday, November 17, MUI emphasized that it had never released a list of products that were proven to be affiliated with parties involved in conflicts in the Middle East on social media.

MUI also does not have the competence to release a list of Israeli products and their affiliates, so that the list circulating on social media cannot be proven the truth and validity.

Yukki emphasized that halal certified products are given by MUI through a certification process involving many parties and MUI is not entitled to revoke it.

Kadin Indonesia also appealed to the public to respond to information circulating wisely and carefully choose the correct source of reporting and not be consumed by hoax news which will certainly greatly harm the business world and have an impact on the absorption of thousands of employees working within the company.