KPU Still Looking For Moderator For The 2024 Presidential And Vice Presidential Candidate Debate

The General Election Commission (KPU) is still looking for moderators to guide the debate of presidential candidates (candidates) and vice presidential candidates (cawapres) in the 2024 General Election.

Chairman of the KPU, Hasyim Asy'ari, said that it takes careful consideration in the selection of figures who can serve as mediators, appointments, guides, and controllers in the debate so that it runs smoothly.

"As much as possible, those who are used to facing the camera. However, based on experience, appearing in front of presidential and political candidates, the nervous level has also increased," said Hasyim at the Coordination Meeting for Preparation for the Debate of the 2024 Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates at the KPU Office, Jakarta, Thursday, November 30, which was confiscated by Antara.

So far, the KPU continues to coordinate with stakeholders, including media crews, in determining the moderator of the presidential and vice presidential debate.

"If there are proposals, you can and give more. For example, it must be 10 people, friends propose 11 people," said Hasyim.

In the 2019 presidential election, several names who work as journalists fill the roles as moderators, such as Ira Koesno, Imam Priyono, Anisha Dasuki, Tommy Tjokro, Putri Ayuningtyas, Alfito Deannova, Retno Pinasti, Zulfikar Naghi, Balques Manisang, and Tomy Ristanto.

The debate of presidential and vice presidential candidates in 2024 will be held five times. The KPU has set the location for the first debate at the KPU Office, Jakarta, 12 December.

The schedule for the next four debates is on December 22, 2023, January 7, 2024, and January 21, 2024, as well as the last debate on February 4, 2024. This activity starts at 19.00 WIB.

The presidential and vice presidential candidates will consist of six segments, ranging from the opening, reading of rules, conveying vision, mission, and work programs, to the closing segment.

The theme of debate will refer to the national vision listed in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN).

Specific themes for each presidential/cawapres debate will be compiled together with panelists who have expertise according to their fields.

The debate was carried out three times for presidential candidates and twice for vice presidential candidates. This is in accordance with KPU Regulation Number 15 of 2023 Article 50 paragraph (1). However, the KPU can still change the number of debates after coordinating with the DPR.