Implementing Digital Transformation Through Science Explore Platform, Acer Indonesia Successfully Encourages Student Achievements In Buti, Merauke, South Papua

JAKARTA - Successfully implementing a digital learning system through the Explore Science platform at hundreds of schools and madrasas in various regions in Indonesia and has been used by thousands of students, Acer Indonesia today, Thursday, November 30, again announced the successful implementation of digital transformation programs from the eastern end of Indonesia. Today SMPN Buti, Merauke stated the successful adaptation of the digital learning platform Explore Science, and improved academic achievements of students at school.

Part of Acer's educational solution, Explore Science is an integrated digital educational platform that includes online learning platforms and educational content such as digital books from well-known publishers, virtual laboratories, daily teaching presentation materials, and including bank questions. Explore science has received many international awards with content according to the Indonesian national curriculum.

In its implementation at SMPN Buti, Merauke, Explore Science helps to manage and distribute learning materials, assists communication and collaboration between parties in the school ecosystem, conducts digital collection and assessment of tasks, as well as improves accessibility and flexibility in providing materials and school assignments. In addition, Explore of Science can also be used to supervise and analyze students' performance by schools, teachers, to parents in an easy and real time manner.

Riko Gunawan, Commercial Products Head, Acer Indonesia, said that education is the main factor in creating a better future. To make it happen, we need to take advantage of technology that has a crucial role so that a sustainable transformation of education can be achieved.

"The Learning Platform for Explore Science complements the complete educational solution from Acer to Indonesia, starting from various hardware, cyber security, to learning platforms. Explore science is also present as a form of the company's commitment to creating a digital education ecosystem and preparing future generations to compete in the world class," he explained.

Meanwhile, Yusinta Pandura, Principal of SMPN Buti Merauke thanked Acer Indonesia for the initiation of the Learning platform for Explore Science, as the beginning of the application of technological transformation in schools.

"In its use, Explore Science facilitates communication between teachers and students, which has an impact on increasing achievement. Students at our school also experienced an increase in the average value of learning to be above 80, from the previous 70s," he said.

The benefits of Exploring Science were also felt by Ahmad Syarifuddin, a teacher at SMPN Buti Merauke who explained that this platform makes it easier for teachers to manage learning, especially in terms of increasing the ability to create learning content and manage learning materials such as presentations, videos, tests, and other learning materials.

"We can now access the subject matter from good educational resources from anywhere and anytime. In addition, the exploration of Science greatly adjusts the right subject matter, so that teaching and learning activities are getting better," he said.

The Learning Platform for Explore Sciences has the aim of improving access and quality of teaching and learning through changes in practice and education methods from conventional methods to digital learning methods, which are equipped with advanced and relevant features with educational needs that are in accordance with the latest developments. Currently, Explore Sciences also supports learning to thousands of students throughout the country from Sabang to Merauke in schools and madrasas.

Diharapkan dengan semakin banyak pengguna Jelajah Ilmu, dapat meningkatkan akses dan kualitas pendidikan di tiap daerah yang siap menghadapi masa depan. Silakan mengunjungi laman untuk mempelajari solusi lengkap Acer untuk pendidikan mulai dari hardware, cyber security hingga platform pembelajaran.