Band Wali Prepares Concert For 25 Years Of Work In 2024

JAKARTA - Through the release of a new single entitled Fatimah, the Guardian stated plans to hold a 25-year Concert or Silver Concert in 2024.

Despite debuting in the music industry in 2008, the Guardian has been formed since October 31, 1999. Last month, they just celebrated their 24th birthday.

"It's still a surprise, but the 25-year concert is next year, God willing, just pray," said Faank (vocals) in Senayan, Central Jakarta, Thursday, November 30.

Apoty (guitar) also talks about a journey of more than two decades Wali in music. According to him, cohesiveness is the key to their long journey.

"The time that proves, in congregation and our blessing is always together. That is what proves 25 years, until death, until heaven," said Apoy.

In addition, Apoy also feels that every personnel gets excessive blessings when working on something together.

"The blessings exist in congregation, not individually, not cellfish, not egos," he said.

Not only concerts, through the release of Fatimah's song, the Guardian is also preparing a film based on their video clip directed by Rizal Mantovani.

"In this video clip, we are in that dimension, as if we are in the desert. This is an extraordinary experiment for the Guardian, so this motivates us to take the next step. Earlier we had a chat with Pak Rahayu (producer), it seems he welcomed this and made it an opportunity for us., "said Apoy.

"We already have experience in soap operas, so in cinematography and so on, it feels like even though it's not optimal, but can still adjust to the wishes of director Pak Rizal Mantovani," he concluded.