Vice President Ma'ruf Amin Asks There Should Be No Caning Law Against Indonesian In Malaysia

KUCHING - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin in a meeting with Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said that there should be no more caning for Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) in Malaysia.

"There are no more whips. Caning is only about crime," said Ma'ruf after meeting with PM Anwar in Kuching, Malaysia, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, November 28.

Ma'ruf received a report from the Indonesian Ambassador to Malaysia, Hermono, that there were still problems related to PMI working in the household sector. The problem is related to unregistered or illegal PMI.

"There are still those who work in households. We hope that there will also be protection for improvements and that will also get a good response," said Ma'ruf.

On the same occasion, Ambassador Hermono explained that during the meeting between the two leaders, PM Anwar stated that his priority was resolving the issue of protecting PMI and also resolving the Indonesia-Malaysia border issue.

"Earlier the Vice President raised the issue of protecting the household sector. The PM promised to resolve this issue. Earlier he also touched on accelerating the resolution of border issues. So these two things are the PM's priorities regarding migrant workers and the borders of the two countries," he said.

Hermono also said that the caning penalty for PMI would be abolished by PM Anwar Ibrahim.

"There is a bleaching process going on. And it cannot be whipped. It is wiped out," said Hermono.