How To Identify The Behavior Of A Lying Couple?

JAKARTA - Have you been feeling uncomfortable with your partner lately? You feel that every word that is said is odd, even more so, it is inconsistent. What was said yesterday could change again today.

Surely, you immediately react to smell strange things. But, before accusing nonsense, you should first pay attention to the signs of a lying partner that you just conclude yourself.

Long time answered questions

If the answer to your question is delivered with a long pause, this seems suspicious. When the partner answers for a long time in a halting tone it means that he is thinking of finding an excuse before answering. Even if he was making an alibi, his brain still needed time to remember the details of why.

If the person is honest, they will answer questions quickly and without hesitation. The problem is that he told something in accordance with what actually happened.

Covering the Face

A sign that a partner is lying is covering the face. When someone is nervous, without realizing it, several areas on the face will also react. For example, the lips become trembling, the nose flares up, and the eyes blink faster than normal.

If your partner is suddenly rubbing their eyes, scratching their nose, or putting their hand on their lips while answering a question or telling a story, it seems that something is up.

Refusing Eye Contact

The next sign your partner is lying is refusing eye contact. If your partner is lying, they also try to avoid eye contact while talking. Because, if he makes eye contact he will feel more nervous and find it difficult to concentrate on his lies. Maybe, he will reveal his own lies.

If you think he's hiding something, ask him to answer questions while looking you closely in the eye. Then, see how it responds.

The story changes

The story changes to a sign that the couple is lying. Everyone can be forgetful. But if the story your partner tells you often changes, then you have to be more vigilant.

Giving Too Much Information

So much effort to make sure you are, he will tell you a lot of details. Even telling things that you didn't ask. This could be a sign that your partner is lying.

Looks Gusar

When he is afraid that his secret will be revealed, the partner will look upset. Characteristics such as tapping his feet, biting his lower lip, or other habits he usually exhibits when he is restless.

Change subject

So that the lie is not revealed, he will change the topic of conversation so you do not ask any more specifics. In fact, you will be asked again so that the chat is so unfocused that you forget to further interrogate it.

Changed voice or behavior

You must know your partner better. So, if you ask something and are answered with a tone that changes from usual or his attitude suddenly becomes strange, then this can strengthen the reason your partner is lying.

But, don't immediately accuse your partner of lying, okay. First establish good communication with him. Because all can be resolved with good and open communication. Being honest with each other is important.