Prabowo's Presidential Candidate Promise: 82.9 Million Children Will Get Free Lunch And Milk, Urunan Budget From The Ministry

JAKARTA - The National Campaign Team (TKN) said that as many as 82.9 million Indonesian children would get free lunch and milk if Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka were elected as President and Vice President in the upcoming 2024 General Election.

"A total of 82.9 million, maybe children from PKH will be selected first or the children of people who receive social assistance, who are members of the integrated social welfare data (dtks) which has been approved by the Ministry of Social Affairs," said Secretary of TKN Prabowo-Gibran, Nusron Wahid at the TKN Prabowo-Gibran Media Center, Tuesday, November 28.

Chairman of TKN Prabowo-Gibran Rosan Roeslani explained that the distribution of free lunch for school children and students as well as free milk for children and pregnant women during the campaign was the introduction of the number two presidential and vice presidential program.

Currently, the financing for the program is still sourced from the self-help of TKN and TKD which will be continued through the relevant ministries if Prabowo becomes president.

"This free lunch and milk program is for the public so that they know that the program to be implemented is correct. This is for our own self-help from TKN and TKD. Of course, if Pak Prabowo and Mas Gibran are elected as president of Indonesia, of course, it will involve such as what we conveyed, ministries such as the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Health and the BKKBN," explained Rosan.

The target for distributing free lunch on campaign days is so that later Prabowo and Gibran can improve government programs. Especially for aid recipients to be more targeted.

"That's why we started to carry out this on the first day of our campaign period and this was done door to door. So, we did not collect the masses but this was done directly door to door," he said.

Not only improving nutrition, Rosan assessed, the impact of free feeding will also have a major impact on the community's economy. Even the program has been successfully implemented by other countries.

"The funds rotate to the village level, this is a very powerful program because it will reach other programs. This will drive the economy from villages, provincial cities. Why? Because the eggs, milk, meat not only reduce stunting but also the economic movement of the community," he concluded.