The Reason PKS Wants Jakarta To Remain The Capital City When Winning The 2024 Presidential Election

YOGYAKARTA - Baru juga tahap pembangunan Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN) di Kalimantan Timur di mulai, namun sudah mendapatkan penolakan dari beberapa pihak seperti Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS). Pasalnya, diketahui PKS berjanji agar modalnya tetap di Jakarta. Akira apa alasan PKS ingin Jakarta tetap jadi ibu kota?

Confirmed, PKS promised that if they won the 2024 General Election, they would still place the capital city in Jakarta. The reason is, the promise was made directly by Mohamad Sohibul Iman as Deputy Chair of the PKS Syuro Council during the 2024 National Campaign Rapimnas event at the Bumiwiyata Hotel, Depok on Sunday, November 26, 2023.

"One of the ideas or performance campaigns of PKS is PKS stating that if PKS won, the nation's capital will remain in Jakarta," said Sohibul.

Sohibul emphasized that from the beginning the party that supported Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar had rejected the IKN Bill to be ratified.

"Because PKS had rejected the RUUIKN from the start, and now we convey it to the public," he said.

So what is the reason PKS still wants Jakarta to remain the capital city?

PKS General Chair Ahmad Syaikhu explained that the refusal to move the capital city from Jakarta was based on aspirations. The aspirations come from academics and community leaders.

"After listening to the aspirations of community leaders, experts, academics, environmental activists, and the majority of public votes, the PKS took a stand to refuse the ratification of the BillIKN," Ahmad said in his statement.

"PKS views that Jakarta remains worthy as the nation's capital," he added. 1. Jakarta Erat With History

PKS assesses that Jakarta is very close to history. The reason is that Jakarta is the place where the first President of the Republic of Indonesia Soekarno and his deputy Mohammad Hatta proclaimed independence. Not only that, there are other historic events that also take place in Jakarta. It is quite unfortunate if it is moved for the PKS party.

"This historical aspect must be an important consideration of how the nation's capital is placed. The nation's capital inherits historical values of the nation that cannot be ignored in order to build a spirit of nationalism," he said.

2. Kalimantan As The World's Lungs

Kalimantan Island is the lungs of the world. Therefore, PKS assessed that Kalimantan should be the center of green economic development.

"Green economy, green jobs are the future of Indonesia, and Kalimantan wants to become the main motor and the center of Indonesia's green economy development," he said.

3. Equitable Small City, Not Moving Capital City

The last reason was because PKS thought that equitable development could be done by building an economic center in a small city, not moving the nation's capital.

"By building new economic development centers based on the advantages of competitiveness in each region, making medium cities into big cities, as well as small cities into medium cities," he added.

Hard Keritikan Dari Pasangan AMIN (AniesMuhaimin) Untuk Pembangunan IKN Nusantara

The development of the Nusantara IKN echoed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) was not necessarily only opposed by the PKS party. However, the couple he promoted strongly refused.

Anies Baswedan said that if inequality cannot be completed through the development of IKN. According to Anies, for equitable development in Indonesia, development must be carried out targeting small cities to become middle and middle into big cities.

"So between the goals of wanting to generalize Indonesia, if you want to equalize Indonesia, then building a small, medium-sized city becomes a big city throughout Indonesia, not just building one city in the middle of the forest," explained Anies.

Therefore, according to Anies, what the government is doing by building IKN is actually problematic. The government's move does not connect with its objectives. Meanwhile, Cak Imin made quite a controversial criticism joke.

"It's just an option, it's still good in Jakarta, suddenly told to go to the forest, wait. That's a personal choice, private stay reference," said Cak IminIndonesia Millennial and Gen-Z Summit, in Jakarta Sunday, November 26.

"Now (IKN Nusantara) is not suitable to live in. It is not appropriate to live there as of today," he added.

It is known that the attitude of the coalition of the supporting parties regarding the relocation of the capital city was emphasized by Muhaimin, which is still being studied. So there is still no further decision regarding the fate of the IKN project if the Anies-Muhaimin pair is elected later.

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