Sri Mulyani Collects Kominfo Promises To Complete 4G BTS Program

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati asked the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Budi Arie Setiadi to complete the existing programs.

In this case, especially the corrupted 4G base transceiver station (BTS) tower project.

"I told Mr. Budi Arie, BTS in the regions used to promise 75,000 villages in Indonesia to be connected digitally, 10,000 health centers should be connected digitally, 240,000 elementary schools in all madrasas will all be digitally connected. So I want the current minister. Sip is ready," Sri Mulyani said at the Indonesia Digital Summit 2023, Tuesday, November 28.

According to Sri Mulyani, this program is very important to be completed in order to achieve digitalization to regions and the only ministry whose budget is not cut, but is actually added when the COVID-19 pandemic.

"When COVID all budget institutions were cut to take care of COVID, the only thing added was Pak Budi Arie's place, namely Kominfo for the construction of satellites, fiber optics, BTS and others. He (Budi Arie) said it was not me, but yes, the main thing is I'm the ministry," said Sri Mulyani.

The State Treasurer said that Indonesia's digital economy prospects will continue to increase.

The value is estimated at 82 billion US dollars in 2023 and could reach 360 billion US dollars by 2030.

Sri Mulyani said that economic digitization needs to be improved in order to be an alternative solution to increase economic growth.

At least the digital economy has an impact in four areas, namely social equality, job creation, buyer profits and financial benefits.

According to Sri Mulyani, the process of leading to equitable digitization is not easy.

This is because there are some political and regulatory challenges that are appropriate to actualize these high-assessed potentials.

"This raises a lot of opportunities but also challenges regarding policies and appropriate regulations to actualize potentials that are considered very high. Whether in terms of digital payment from financial, insurance, this is a financial field that we will continue to try to formulate a policy for a possible open opportunity," he said.