Campaign In Sabang Aceh, Mahfud Promises Honor Of Ngaji Teachers To Increase

SABANG-Cawapres number 3 Mahfud Md during the first campaign from Sabang at the western end of Indonesia, Sabang City, Aceh, wants Koran teachers to be able to advance to class by increasing welfare in terms of realizing equitable distribution of the quality of national education.

"We have included a flagship program for Aceh, namely the Ngaji Teacher's Superior Program. The program will calculate carefully, provide seriously funds for ustaz," Mahfud said in his remarks at a campaign entitled Face-to-face Ganjar-Mahfud Quick Action at Pasi Jaboi Park, Sukajaya District, Sabang Aceh reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, November 28.

Mahfud is determined to improve the welfare of Koran teachers and other religious educators, at least it can be equivalent to teachers in general.

He said that in Banda Aceh City there were 1,500 Koran teachers, 65 percent of whom received salaries below the UMR.

With the increasing welfare of Koran teachers or religious educators, Mahfud hopes that the program can build the morals and character of Indonesian children, from Sabang to Merauke.

Meanwhile, the presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo, who started his campaign from the eastern tip of Indonesia, namely Merauke Papua and connected via video teleconference with Mahfud in Sabang, also conveyed his vision and mission.

On the same occasion in different time zones, Ganjar explained the superior 1 Village program, 1 Health Facility (health facility), 1 Health worker (health worker) which aims to keep the Indonesian people healthy, productive and prosperous. Ganjar and Mahfud are connected in interactive dialogue with the public through video teleconfrence.

When he arrived at Pasi Jaboi Sabang Park, Cawapres Mahfud MD was greeted by village clerics and held a peusiquek ceremony led by religious and traditional leaders. The ceremony is a symbol of granting blessing and protection to the Vice President Mahfud.