Accepting Reality, Ozzy Osbourne May Never Show Live Again

JAKARTA - Ozzy Osbourne revealed he may never appear live again after a series of long medical procedures and operations.

In September, the former Black Sabbath frontman underwent what he called the 'last operation' after he fell in 2019, which pulled out metal rods tucked into his body following a quad bike accident he experienced in 2003.

Now, this iconic metal singer revealed in a new interview with Rolling Stone UK that although she hopes to return to stage again one day, she may have to "receive the fact" that she may never get the chance to do so.

"I did it one by one, and if I could perform again, I would," he said.

"But it was like saying goodbye to the best relationship of my life. At the start of my illness, when I stopped touring, I was really annoyed at myself, the doctors, and the world. But over time, I thought, 'Well, maybe I should accept that'," Ozzy continued.

"I'm not going up there and doing Ozzy half-hearted for sympathy. What's the point of that? I'm not going out there in a wheelchair. I saw Phil Collins appear recently, and he has almost the same problem as me. He got up there in a wheelchair! But I can't do that. "

The Prince of Darkness went on to say that one of his biggest regrets was that he never had the opportunity to say goodbye or thank his fans.

Because my fans are everything. If I could do some shows... They were loyal to me for years. They wrote a message to me, they knew all about my dog. It's really my big family, and they gave us the lifestyle we had. Whatever the reason, that's the purpose I work for. To do that show. At Ozzfest or somewhere, or even a show at Roundhouse!

"If I can't continue to perform regular shows, I just want to be healthy enough to do one show where I can say, 'Hey guys, thank you so much for my life.' That's what I did. trying to achieve it, and if I fall and die in the end, I'll die as a happy person," Ozzy concluded.