Cryptic Pregnancy Or Samar Pregnancy, Recognize The Causes And Symptoms

YOGYAKARTA - Some women have experienced cryptic pregnancy or cryptic pregnancy. This condition is certainly very confusing and surprising because women can give birth without experiencing pregnancy complaints as usual. However, some people still don't know what cryptic pregnancy is and its symptoms.

Cryptic pregnancy is a very step condition and is difficult to detect medically or through conventional health tests. Women who experience this condition are usually unconscious and do not feel symptoms of pregnancy in general, such as nausea and fever. This case can occur in 1 in 475 women.

Women who experience cryptic pregnancy usually only realize that they are pregnant after 20 weeks or before delivery. Every husband and wife couple, especially women, need to understand what cryptic pregnancy is and the cause is.

Cryptic pregnancy is also called a vague pregnancy, which is the condition when a woman is pregnant without any signs of pregnancy. This pregnancy condition cannot be detected by conventional medical testing methods.

Women who experience cryptic pregnancy do not realize that they are pregnant or pregnant. This vague pregnancy may only be known when the third trimester is even approaching delivery. This condition certainly makes the emotions of women who experience it mixed and shocked themselves or confused.

Because they are not aware of any signs of pregnancy, women who experience this condition usually do not go to an obstetrician. This can produce premature babies due to lack of treatment during pregnancy, including because pregnant women lack nutritional intake.

Cryptic pregnancy can be caused by several factors or conditions experienced by women. The increase in hormones during pregnancy can cause a slight bleeding that resembles menstruation. This condition could cause women to experience cryptic pregnancy.

In addition, here are a number of conditions that can make women experience cryptic pregnancy:

Polyactive ovarian syndrome (PCOS) interferes with fertility and causes hormonal imbalance. In addition, this condition also causes missed or irregular menstruation.

Perimenopause is characterized by irregular menstruation before women reach menopause. These symptoms are similar to weight gain and hormone fluctuations.

Women who use contraceptives often believe that they will not have a pregnancy. Although contraception is considered an effective method of preventing pregnancy, behind it a woman still has the opportunity to get pregnant.

Low levels of fat in the body due to exercise activities that are too heavy can also cause menstruation to become irregular. Athletes also tend to have low hormone levels, making it more difficult to detect pregnancy.

A woman in her over 40s may have thought that the menopause was marked by the cessation of the menstrual cycle. Even though she could be having a pregnancy sign.

To find out the symptoms or condition of cryptic pregnancy, you need to know first what normal pregnancy is like in the early stages. Most women know that they are pregnant within 5 to 12 weeks of conception. After going through one menstrual period, pregnancy tests will show positive results.

Urine, ultrasound, and blood tests methods at obstetricians will confirm the condition of the pregnancy. Many women feel symptoms of normal pregnancy, such as nausea from the start during the first trimester, soft and swollen breasts, mood swings, and fatigue.

While during cryptic pregnancy, there are no signs leading to pregnancy. A pregnancy test may also show a negative'' or undetected result that it is pregnant. A pregnancy test can even display negative' results after missing menstruation time.

That's a review of what cryptic pregnancy is and the causes and symptoms that you need to know. In order to maintain the smooth program of pregnancy and fertility of the reproductive organs, women need to do regular examinations.

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