Balikpapan Mayor Rahmad Mas'ud: Residents Can Report To The Head Of RT If The Road Has Not Been Paved

Balikpapan Mayor Rahmad Mas'ud asked residents to report to the head of the local neighborhood unit (RT) if there are roads that have not been paved or concreted to support the acceleration of city development as a buffer for the State Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago.

The mayor explained that in Balikpapan there are city roads, state roads, and also provincial roads. This is said to be based on the origin of the budget for the construction of these roads.

"For city roads, the budget for improvements from the City Budget, and I make sure there will be improvements," said Mayor Rahmad Mas'ud, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, November 27.

However, for provincial and state roads, the Balikpapan City Government will coordinate with the authorized agency regarding road repairs in the road class.

"Because the provincial roads and national roads, as the name implies, are budgets not from us, but from the province of East Kalimantan or from the Ministry of PUPR," he said.

The Balikpapan City Government is claimed by Rahmad Mas'ud to boost the development and improvement of education and health infrastructure, in addition to basic infrastructure such as roads.

For this reason, the Mayor reminded again that residents can report to the heads of RT in their respective neighborhoods as an extension of the city government.

"We cannot reach all people, so it can be through the head of the RT," said Mayor Rahmad.

The head of the RT in Balikpapan, explained the mayor, has received operational funds so that he can work optimally for the development of the City of Oil and reach areas to remote areas.

According to Rahmad, the head of the RT is responsible for city problems in his environment, starting from population administration issues, social problems, education, health, and others. The task of the head of the RT at least reports these things to the relevant agencies.

Mayor Rahmad Mas'ud promised to follow up on reports from residents submitted through the head of the RT following the enthusiasm of Balikpapan for equitable development as a supporting city for IKN Nusantara.

"If the development is not maximized, because I have only been in Balikpapan for two years. However, I make sure that in the next year we will encourage all development for the benefit of the community," he said.