Clarification Of United Village Events, DKI Bawaslu Call Apdesi

JAKARTA The DKI Jakarta General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) is moving quickly to investigate reports of alleged election violations at the United Village event. According to the plan, the DKI Bawaslu will summon the All-Indonesian Village Government Association (Apdesi) for questioning.

The chairman of the Indonesian Bawaslu, Rahmat Bagja, revealed that the plan was for Bawaslu DKI to ask for information from Apdesi, Monday, November 27. Information from Apdesi is needed to investigate reports of alleged violations of the United Village event.

"There may be clear findings, so then Bawaslu DKI friends are working to call Apdesi. If I'm not mistaken this Monday to ask for information from Apdesi," he said, Sunday, November 26.

Previously, a number of village apparatus associations from all over Indonesia who were members of the name United Village held a national gathering at the Indonesia Arena, GBK, Sunday, November 19. Although not openly, they are considered to have given a signal of support to candidate pair Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

Apdesi General Chair, Arifin Abdul Majid, ensured that his party would not participate in the village apparatus organizations that are members of the United Village event. He emphasized that the group of people on behalf of the village head could not be separated from certain interests.

"Organizations that the group uses, one for certain interests, two for finding a stage, the third takes advantage of opportunities to make it a part of the interests," he said, Wednesday, November 22.

He will also question those who use Apdesi's attributes without permission, considering that his party has registered the name and logo patent for Apdesi to the Director General of HAKI. In addition, Arifin also asked Bawaslu to investigate and investigate alleged violations at the United Village event.