Here's How To Scroll Videos Automatically On TikTok

JAKARTA - Perhaps, some of you know that you can use the TikTok auto scroll feature (auto scroll), so you can continue to watch videos without having to scroll it using your own hands.

Tapi, jika Anda adalah pengguna baru TikTok, jangan khawatir. KarenaVOIana memberikan tutorial cara mengulir video TikTok secara otomatis.

How To Enable TikTok Auto Scroll Feature

Once you activate the auto scroll, TikTok will automatically load and play the next video when the first video is finished.

However, it should be noted that this auto scroll feature won't work on photo posts, and you'll have to roll it out manually to continue auto-rolling.

In addition, sometimes you may have to manually scroll through one or two videos before this option appears. Also, this control won't appear if you hold the screen when the sponsored post plays.