Suspected Of Being The Narcotics Syndicate Boss, Atlanta Olympic Medalist Arrested By Police

JAKARTA - Newton, Australia police arrested Scott Miller, a silver medalist at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics for Australia from swimming. The point is no kidding, narcotics syndicate boss.

Police arrested Miller in connection with an investigation into the catch of a methylamphetamine-type narcotic known as 'ice' worth 2 million Australian dollars or 1.6 million US dollars.

Miller was arrested at his residence on Rozelle Beach on Tuesday, August 16, 2021 at 6 am local time. He was immediately taken to the Newton police station to undergo investigation and prosecution.

Local police Narcotics Unit Commander Inspector John Watson said his party had secured a number of drugs and cash from being arrested in Rozelle. As well as a number of drugs and disposable aids from the arrest of the development of investigations in Balmain.

"The 45-year-old man, suspected of being the director of the syndicate, is responsible for organizing it. It is suspected that this particular syndicate intends to distribute drugs from Sydney to New South Wales," he explained.

Superintendent Watson said the narcotics they secured were of high purity and were hidden in a mold inside eight candles.

"For all intents and purposes, they look like ordinary candles, yet tinged with death and suffering," he said.

“We know that the ice we have today is worth more than $ 2 million. This is no small operation. They are well organized and well financed, "he added.

He further explained that his party together with the Crime Commission of New South Wales began investigating criminal syndicates involved in the supply of illegal drugs, especially methylamphetamine or ice throughout this state.

"Last week we arrested several people and found a number of candles (containing narcotics," he said.