Regarding Public Openness, University Students Learn To KIP

In order to increase the insight of information disclosure and transparency during the globalization period, several Defense University (IDU) students visited the Central Information Commission (KIP), Jakarta.

Some of the students involved consisted of the Defense Management, Defense Economy and Energy Resilience Study Program, the Defense Management Faculty of the Defense Defense Defense Defense University.

The Defense University Student Visit to the Central Information Commission is in order to increase knowledge insight regarding accountability, information disclosure and transparency of state administrators in the defense sector and defense management in the dynamics of global conflicts.

KIP chairman Donny Yoesgiantoro in his speech explained Law No. 14 of 2008 which became the basis for the formation of the Central Information Commission (KIP), it was stated that apart from the Chairperson and Deputy Chair of KIP, there were five commissioners according to their respective fields of expertise.

The purpose of establishing the Central Information Commission is to ensure the rights of citizens to know the making of public policies, public policy programs, and the process of making public decisions.

"As well as the reasons for making a public decision, as well as realizing good and transparent, effective and accountable state administration," said Donny.

For this reason, Donny said that KIP also encourages public participation in the process of making public policies and improves the management and service of information in the environment to produce quality information services and of course develop knowledge and educate the nation's life.

KPI commissioner for Public Regulation and Policy (Reglik) Gede Narayana, added that based on the KIP Law, namely Law No. 14 of 2008, the public should carry out openness in public information in accordance with applicable regulations.

Furthermore, it is said that a country has good defense if the country has adequate and transparent information.

Meanwhile, the Dean of the FMP Defense University, Maj. Gen. Agus Winarna, said that KIP has an important role in the world of education, especially for students.

"KIP is a source of information, because KIP as a source of information certainly has the latest data as public information that is useful for students for research purposes related to information and technology," he explained.

Agus added, KIP as an institution that is quite important in developing and managing information and communication systems for the community, as well as providing information and communication system development and management services for the community, which can be utilized by students to meet information and technology needs in their fields.