Often Operated, Here Are 5 Natural Ways To Treat Cantengan Nails

JAKARTA - Cantengan or paronychia is a condition that occurs due to inflammation of the nails of the toes or hands. Launching Healthline, Tuesday, February 16, hardening can be caused by several things, such as cutting nails too short, the condition of the hands or feet too moist, the habit of picking fingers, not maintaining nail hygiene, ingrown nails, wearing too small shoes, to the size of the nails too. thick.

Can be experienced by anyone, but those who are most at risk of contracting cannabis are those over 50 years of age or offspring. Hereditary cantilever is actually more due to the ingrown nail structure.

Reporting from Medical News Today, the symptoms of cantengan begin with the onset of pain and red color on the skin around the nails. If left untreated, the fingers will swell and produce an unpleasant smelling pus. To make matters worse, the nails can come off the fingers when the infection becomes inflamed.

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Put the cotton roll on the nail

How to treat nail hook can be done by placing a cotton roll on the nail hook area. The goal is to help facilitate the process of clipping the nails into the flesh so that infection and inflammation can be reduced.

It is highly recommended to soak a cotton swab in an antiseptic solution before use. Antiseptic fluids function to fight bacteria and germs in the cantile area. Don't forget to change the cotton periodically so that the bacteria can still be resisted by the new antiseptic cotton.

Cover the gauze with drops of tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is very popular because it contains flavonoids that act as anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antibacterial. To treat anchovies, you can pour a few drops of tea tree oil into the gauze and place it on the finger area.

After sitting for a while, you may smell unpleasant from the area. This smell indicates that the tea tree is working against infection.

Cover with turmeric

Turmeric also has the benefit of reducing inflammation and relieving pain due to inflammation. You can grate one turmeric and then warm the grated results. Next, apply it to the affected part of the finger. Before applying, make sure your finger is clean and dry.

Soak salt water

Salt soaking water is most often used as an alternative way to treat cantengan. You only need to prepare warm water that has been mixed with English salt water or Epsom salt. Followed by soaking the finger part of the hook in the salt solution for about 15 to 20 minutes. This method can reduce pain and treat inflammation in the finger.

Soak the apple cider vinegar

Not only salt water, apple cider vinegar can also be used to treat cold sore. Apple cider vinegar also acts as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. That is why, apple cider vinegar is also used to treat inflamed pimples.

You only need to prepare a container filled with warm water. Then, mix in 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar. Soak the finger of the hook once a day for 20 minutes. Repeat this method until the frigid subsides.