Differences In The Handling Of Amigos And Paloma Restaurants Suspected Of Being The Location Of The Spread Of COVID-19

JAKARTA - Two restaurants, Paloma and Amigos, Jakarta are said to be the initial locations for the transmission of the corona virus. The management also answered the issue that had been circulating in the community, since the appointment of two positive COVID-19 patients, after conducting meetings at the two locations.

The owner of Amigos Resto, Mulles Ron, was forced to close his restaurant which is located in the Kemang Villas Club area, South Jakarta, for two weeks. This closure was carried out after the restaurant suffered considerable losses, after the news about the initial transmission of COVID-19.

"Our income has decreased to 70 percent. However, we better be victims and convince people that it is clean here," Mulles told reporters, Tuesday, March 3.

Amigos Resto (Diah Ayu Wardani / VOI)

Mulles has also invited a team from the local health department to carry out checks on employees to food and drinks in order to ensure Amigos is free from the Corona virus.

"We have checked all our employees at Amigos and we call the company from outside to clean sanitation, all air conditioners, all locations through fogging," he continued.

However, Mulles claims that up to now 30 of his employees have not shown symptoms of the corona virus such as flu and coughs. However, they still took the initiative to close the Amigos restaurant.

"We'll wait for two weeks. After two weeks we can convince people or prove that there is no problem here," he said.

Paloma Bistro Remains Open

Met separately The management of Hotel Des Indes, ensured that Paloma Bistro, Menteng continued to operate normally and served customers who visited its restaurant. They believe the restaurant is in good condition and still worth a visit.

"Of course not (closed) yes. We feel that our current situation is fine. We only assure visitors that our condition is safe and healthy because we have carried out maintenance activities," said the Manager of Hotel Des Indes, Darmawiharto at the conference. the press.

The management of Hotel Des Indes from Paloma Bistro (Diah Ayu Wardani / VOI)

The management has also coordinated with the Jakarta Health Office to check the health conditions of its 63 employees. Especially after the news of two Indonesian citizens who were infected with the corona virus from a Japanese foreigner while attending a dance at his restaurant, on February 15.

Darmawiharto claimed that all employees showed no symptoms of infectious diseases through the splash of body fluids with the corona sufferer. "Until now, none of our employees have obtained work permits because of illness."

Because it did not close the Paloma operation, Darmawiharto said that it was enough for him to take precautionary measures. They provide hand sanitizers, masks, and also regular disinfectant cleaning activities

Based on information from the Minister of Health (Menkes) Terawan Agus Putranto, two patients who tested positive for the corona virus participated in the dance. The two of them had interacted with a Japanese foreigner who was then treated in Malaysia and tested positive for the corona disease.