JK Agrees Ganjar Gives A 5 Score Regarding Law Enforcement In The Jokowi Era

JAKARTA - The 10th and 12th Vice Presidents of the Republic of Indonesia Jusuf Kalla (JK) admitted that they agreed with the statement of presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo who gave a score of 5 out of 10 regarding law enforcement in the era of President Joko Widodo.

This was revealed by JK after receiving Ganjar's visit to his residence. According to JK, the public can also assess a decrease in legal certainty after the polemic of the decision of the Constusi Court (MK) regarding the limits of presidential and vice-presidential candidates.

"Regarding this law, yes, as said, if in Makassar I read, Pak Ganjar said (scor) 5, right. Yes, I think you may also agree with that. Especially because of this last atmosphere, right. This is what determines the nation in the future, it is very important," said JK on Jalan Brawijaya Raya, South Jakarta, Sunday, November 19.

On that occasion, Ganjar explained his reasons for giving a 5 score to law enforcement in the Jokowi era. The former Governor of Central Java admitted that he had many people who felt the same way.

"When it comes to the assessment, because a lot of votes from the community come to us and everyone talks about legal certainty, about law enforcement, about how the law must be really straight, that's it. Well, of course with the last incident, that number has become unlike before, aka yes, the score has decreased," explained Ganjar.

Previously, Ganjar considered that law enforcement and democracy during the Jokowi administration had decreased. This is in the aftermath of the polemic decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates.

"Yes, with this case (MK), it dropped. (The value) is) 5," said Ganjar at the Makassar State University Alumni Family Association National Sarasehan event (UNM), Saturday, November 18.

Ganjar explained the data showing that the current perception of law enforcement is only 30.7 percent. According to him, there needs to be improvements that must be made, namely the rule of law to protect all citizens.

"Meanwhile, the legal and human rights index in 2017-2022 has a score of 6.2. So what must be done is to strengthen human rights institutions, strengthen human rights education in the public," he concluded.