5 Victims Of Nganjuk Landslide Found Dead, 2 Of Them Mother And Child

SURABAYA - Five bodies of landslide victims in Selopuro Village, Ngetos District, Nganjuk Regency, East Java were found. Two of the bodies were a mother and child.

"The bodies of this mother and child were found buried under mattresses and cabinets mixed with soil", said Farid, the Surabaya Basarnas Rescue Team, confirmed Monday, February 15.

According to Farid, the first bodies found were a mother and child. The two were found in the house he lived in during a landslide on Sunday night, February 14.

"The child's position is on the bottom, while the mother is on top", he said.

After finding the two bodies, the search for the first day after the landslide also found three other bodies. The three of them were found in the pile of soil with a depth of about 3-6 meters.

"They were found after the Rescue Team dredged the land at the landslide location", he said.

Farid said the Rescue Team had difficulty in the process of finding 16 landslide victims. The reason is, the condition of the clay contour and there is a concern that further landslides will occur.

He said, "The plan was that the search for victims would be stopped at 16.30 WIB. Because according to the SOP on a cliff the potential for subsequent landslides if it rains".

"Because the weather was cloudy and getting dark, it was necessary to pay attention to the team involved," he said.

With the results of today's evacuation of five victims, 10 of the 21 landslide victims have been found. Two survivors and eight victims died.

"Currently, the situation at the location where the team is looking is still working. Three heavy equipment continue to dredge the coordinates of the houses buried by landslides, there are about nine houses buried by landslides in Selopuro", he said.