TikTok Shop Will Open Again In Indonesia, Join Tokopedia?
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (Kemenkop UKM) revealed that the TikTok platform will join e-commerce in Indonesia to operate the TikTok Shop business.
This was revealed by the Assistant Deputy for Financing and Investment of the Deputy for SMEs at the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, Temmy Satya Permana, after a media discussion with the theme 'MSMEs Rise Class Towards Golden Indonesia' held by Forwakop at the Kemenkop UKM Building, Jakarta, Friday, November 17.
"I've heard several versions, but I haven't dared to say anything. It's possible that he (TikTok) will join (e-commerce), because if it's to make his own company, I don't think so," he said.
Temmy emphasized that his party would not hinder the business of the platform from China, but emphasized that they would want to follow the existing regulations in Indonesia.
"But we will see later (the results), what is certain is that whatever pattern is run by TikTok Shop, he must comply with our regulations," he said.
He also admitted that TikTok Shop will resume operations in the country, but it still takes time to adjust to regulations made by the Government of Indonesia.
"(It must be) open. The information I got from TikTok, they will open and will comply with (regulations). Actually, they have already been processed, but because there is no transitional transition in that regulation, they cannot fulfill the regulations within one week, especially separating social commerce from social media," said Temmy.
When asked further about which e-commerce TikTok will choose, Temmy could not explain further.
"Wow, I don't dare to talk, I'm not the one who talks (if Tokopedia). Anyway, whoever the player is here must comply with the regulations," he added.
As for citing Reuters, TikTok has held talks with Indonesian e-commerce companies on possible partnerships.
TikTok has spoken with a number of companies regarding this matter, namely Tokopedia, Bukalapak.com, and Blibli (BELI.JK).
"Several e-commerce companies in Indonesia have spoken with TikTok," said Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (Menkop UKM) Teten Masduki as quoted by Reuters.