Competing With Europe, Bulog Confesses Difficult To Get Imported Rice Stock

JAKARTA - The Public Company of the Logistics Affairs Agency (Perum Bulog) admits that it is difficult to get imported rice for the government's rice reserve stock (CBP). This is because many countries also need rice, one of which is Europe.

This was conveyed by Bulog Business Director Febby Novita during a Public Service event in the Public Policy of Expansion Ahead of the 2024 General Election, Friday, November 17.

"Frankly, now Europe is also buying rice because with the restriction of wheat, they are turning to rice. Europe buys higher than us. Let alone going all the way we talk about the Philippines, the price of rice is higher, they buy more than us," said Febby.

Therefore, Febby admits that finding imported rice for domestic stocks is very difficult. In fact, he said, many countries have offered but the middle of the road has canceled.

"Interestingly, now it's also assigned, it's not easy to get rice. Because there are many who offer but many are also being canceled. So that means they can get their contract canceled," he said.

Although it is difficult to get stock of imported rice, Febby admitted that this did not necessarily make his party choose rice carelessly. He emphasized that Bulog has qualifications that must be met.

"For the rice itself, we are indeed very strict in taking samples of rice and others, including imported rice," he said.