Get To Know 5 Causes Of Mutual Hand Brakes And How To Overcome Them

YOGYAKARTA Information about the cause of the jammed handbrake is essential to note. This system serves to reduce speed and stabilize the car when it stops or when it parked in a tilted spot. Well, a jammed hand brake can endanger the driver, especially when the car is uphill.

So, what causes the handbrake to get stuck? How to overcome the jammed handbrake? Check out the summary of the information in the following article.

1. Hand brake is not returned after withdrawn

Not a few car drivers do not understand how the handbrake works. The mechanism of work is that when the lever is pulled, there will be two cables that are attracted to the rear brake. By putting pressure on these cables, the brake pads stick to the disk to hold the rear wheel in place.

If this mechanism is not known, it will certainly make the driver panic. To make the car run again, the driver needs to return the handbrake lever to its original position.

2. Too strong to pull the handbrake lever

The cause of the bad handbrake is that the driver is too strong to pull the lever until it exceeds the gear threshold inside. This cause can be prevented by slowly pulling the handbrake lever.

3. Pull the handbrake while the car is running

The driver's habit of pulling the handbrake lever when the car was still running could be the cause of the bad handbrake.

In addition, this habit can also damage its components and endanger the safety of drivers and passengers.

4. Pulling the handbrake lever for too long

To stop the car when it stops at a red light, usually the driver will pull the handbrake lever. However, it is highly advised to do this habit for a long time.

Especially if the area around the car contains puddles or is in a flood condition. This can cause carat to occur and in the end it can make the brakes stick so that the handbrakes will become jammed.

5. The performance of the brake camp has decreased

The cause of the last bad handbrake is the decline in the brake edge settings or so-called brake camps. The already aus brake camp will make the hand brake lever higher when activated.

Therefore, vehicle owners need to regularly replace the brake camp regularly. Usually, the car's hand brake campaign can last up to five years.

If the owner of the vehicle can indicate the cause of the bad handbrake, the way to overcome it can also be practiced.

Here are a series of ways to overcome bad hand brakes:

1. Restore the handbrake lever that cannot be pulled

In order to restore the handbrake lever that cannot be pulled, the driver needs to lift the brake lever very strongly and quickly lower the hand brake lever. This method can make the handbrake return to normal as usual.

2. Pull the brakes slowly

If the bad handbrake is caused by the driver being too strong in pulling the hand brake, then the solution is to slowly pull the brakes lever.

Don't be too strong when pulling the handbrake to stabilize the car so that the handbrake doesn't get stuck.

3. Not using handbrakes for a long time

If the area around the car is inundated with water, it is not recommended to use the handbrake for a long time.

4. Understand how handbrakes work

The way the handbrake works needs to be understood so that the driver is not confused when activating it to stop the vehicle.

5. Replace the brake camp

The last way to overcome the bad handbrake is to replace the already thin brake camp. This is very important to prevent a failed brake or stuck brake.

That's the information about the cause of the handbrake stuck and how to overcome it. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.