These Are 7 Successful Registration Stages For SNMPTN 2021

JAKARTA - Registration for candidates for the 2021 State Higher Education Entrance National Selection (SNMPTN) opens today. Class 12 high school students and equivalent who want to enter higher education can register through the Higher Education Entrance Test Institute (LTMPT).

The registration for SNMPTN 2021 will be opened on Monday 15 February at 15.00 Western Indonesia Time to 24 February 2021 at 15.00 Western Indonesia Time. The registration process is carried out through the LTMPT portal or via the page.

To prepare for registration, there are several steps that prospective students need to pay attention to. For more, see below, let's go!

1. Students log in to the LTMPT Portal or registration page using a registered LTMPT account (email address and password). Make sure you are an eligible student, have a permanent account, and have complete scores on the PDSS.

2. Students fill in “Complete Parent Data” on the PROFILE page. The contents consist of 'Parents' Income' and 'Number of Parents Liability'.

3. Students register for SNMPTN by filling in the selected study program options on the CHOICE page. If you choose two study programs, one of them must be in a State University in the same province as the original SMA/MA/SMK. If you choose one, the PTN can be in any province. Not cross-interest recommended.

4. Students fill in the portfolio on the PORTFOLIO page, if the selected study program requires a portfolio document. If the selected study program does not require a portfolio document, it does not need to be filled.

5. Students fill in their achievements on the ACHIEVEMENT page. The achievement fields on this page are optional. Please enter the achievement in accordance with the field and level of achievement required for each option in the column.

6. Students finalize on the FINALIZATION page if all data entries are believed to be correct. After finalizing, the data entry cannot be canceled and cannot be changed for any reason.

7. Students download and print registration cards. This downloaded registration card is a card for SNMPTN registration. The registration card is on the same page as 'Finalization'. So it can only be downloaded when it's finished registering.

If there are SNPMPTN 2021 participants who encounter technical problems when registering. LTMPT has opened a Call center service, to provide solutions for potential participants.

"Students who experience technical problems in registering SNMPTN can contact Call Center 0804 1 450 450 or," said Chairman of the LTMPT Implementing Team Mohammad Nasih, in his statement.