Tim Percepatan Reform Hukum Bahas Rekomendasi Bersama Kementerian/Lembaga

JAKARTA - The Legal Reform Acceleration Team formed by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD continued to discuss the recommendation points they made together with representatives from ministries/agencies (K/L).

The more detailed and technical discussion between the Legal Reform Acceleration Team and officials from government agencies is a follow-up to the Indonesian Presidential Instruction Joko Widodo which asks for priority recommendations to be implemented immediately.

"Based on the President's direction, we need to continue with more technical and detailed discussions between each working group and each ministry/institution as an implementation of the recommendations that have been produced," said Mahfud MD at the Discussion Forum on Priority Agenda for Recommendations for the Acceleration of Legal Reform. reported by ANTARA, Thursday, November 9.

The document contains all recommendations from the Legal Reform Acceleration Team that the President of the Republic of Indonesia received on September 14, 2023. The team, which consists of legal experts and practitioners, succeeded in completing its work and formulating around 150 short-term recommendation points and rejecting the government.

"It is hoped that (recommendations, ed) will be part of the government's future work plan," said Mahfud.

In the Discussion Forum, the head of the working group and all members of the Legal Reform Acceleration Team were present, then representatives from ministries/agencies, universities, civil society coalitions, and professional organizations were present.

The Legal Reform Acceleration Team, which was formed on May 23, 2023 and started working on June 9, 2023, consists of four work groups, namely reforms to the legislation sector, reforms to judicial institutions and law enforcement, legal reforms to the agrarian sector and natural resources, as well as prevention and eradication of corruption.

The recommendation points from the Legal Reform Acceleration Team include proposing restrictions on police placement in ministries/agencies, granting mass clemency to narcotics convicts whose sentences are relatively light, revision of military justice laws, revision of the Corruption Court Law (Tipikor), revision of the Supreme Court Law, revision of Presidential Decree No. 13/2005 and Presidential Decree No. 14/2005 which regulates the organizational structure of courts, and revision of the Judicial Commission (KY) Law.

The recommendation to revise the law is a proposal for a medium-term work program, while for the short term, the Legal Reform Acceleration Team proposes a revision of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 17/2011 concerning the National Police Commission (Kompolnas), revision of Presidential Decree Number 18/2011 concerning the Prosecutor's Commission (Komjak), revision of the Narcotics Law, revision of the Electronic Information and Transaction Law (ITE), revision of the Corruption Eradication Commission Law (KPK), and revision of the Constitutional Court Law (MK).