Ahok, A Man Who Wants To Be Known As Nationalist Fighter

JAKARTA - Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok does not want to be considered a Chinese ethnic political legend. That was Ahok's answer when he was given the nickname by PDI-P cadre Agustina Hermanto or Tina Toon.

In celebrating the Chinese New Year with the theme 'Chinese New Year with a Bull', Ahok admitted that he had never thought of becoming a legend. When he joined the "bull" party a few years ago, Ahok wanted to become a nationalist fighter.

"What I miss and what I hope for in my life, I still have a good name as a nationalist fighter in a party like the PDIP, as before. And now that good name remains. Not a legend. That is our hope", said Ahok, Friday, February 12.

Ahok missed a struggle to form the basic foundation of Pancasila in his party. He said that his steps as a politician were aimed at realizing social justice for all Indonesian people.

"We both stand firmly, for truth, for justice, for humanity, and of course for this country. That is more important to me. We pray that until the end of my life, I will still have a good name like that", said Ahok.

Ahok then explained the reasons why he chose to become a PDIP cadre. In Ahok's eyes, Megawati Soekarnoputri was a special figure.

When many other party elites were concerned about Ahok's status as a minority, non-Muslim, and of Chinese ethnicity, Megawati did not mind all of that.

He said that during the 2012 DKI Jakarta Governor Election, he heard a lot at that time that actually Joko Widodo (Jokowi) was not going to be paired with him as a vice candidate. Ahok admitted that at that time he was actually considered to reduce the electability value of a Jokowi.

"Lots of people asked me to resign so that I would not disturb the harmony (he made a quote gesture). But Mrs. Mega said 'I chose Ahok to go forward because he could work and was proven'. And that's what she did, and the concrete evidence that Mrs. Mega is a stateswoman. And the PDIP is a place where we can take shelter so that we can fight together to bring about social justice for all Indonesian people", said Ahok.

Ahok dared to say that because he experienced it firsthand. His life experience was also the reason he chose to become a member of the PDIP.

"The PDIP party under Mrs. Megawati as the chairwoman has proven that the party is the home of the nationalists, and also fights for the interests of the nation's children regardless of ethnicity, religion, race, and between groups. So I myself am not just talking but experiencing it", he said. he.