Songsong U-17 World Cup, PLN Ensures Reliable Electricity Availability
JAKARTA - The U-17 World Cup grand football event will soon be presented in several cities. PLN ensures the availability of reliable electricity. Mainly in the four host cities, namely Jakarta, Bandung, Solo and Surabaya.
For this reason, PLN Jakarta Raya Distribution Main Unit participated in an equipment alert from the Jakarta 'Distribution Control Center' (DCC) which was held online and offline. Standby apples were also held from the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) which became the main venue for the U-17 World Cup in Jakarta.
In the 2023 U-17 World Cup electricity alert rally led directly by the President Director of PT PLN (Persero) Darmawan Prasodjo, General Manager of PLN UID Jakarta Raya Lasiran reported that PLN UID Jakarta Raya has prepared 4-layer electricity security at JIS, which is the main venue of the 2023 U-17 World Cup in Jakarta.
"Not only ensuring electricity in the main venue, we also monitor electricity at the training ground, to hotels where athletes stay. We make sure the electricity supply to all U-17 World Cup'venues is safe and reliable," said Lasiran in a written statement, Wednesday, November 8.
Various action programs are carried out to fulfill the reliability of electricity during the event, starting from ensuring electricity supply to the main'venue', checking at the main substation, connecting substations, to distribution substations, ensuring the readiness of 'back up supply' and standby personnel, to preparing 5 standby posts for PLN UID Jakarta Raya.
Not only the main'venue', there are other'venues' that are also guarded by electricity, namely the athletes' training ground including Soemantri Brodjonegoro Field, Gelora Bung Karno A-B-C Field (GBK), GBK Intermediate Stadium, and Banteng Field. In addition, there are also 6 hotels where the athletes rest are also monitored by PLN.
In this U-17 World Cup event, PLN UID Jakarta Raya also prepared 276 joint personnel, 4 Mobile Substation Units with a capacity of 4,000 kVA, 13 'Uninterruptible Power Supply' with a capacity of 2,800 kVa, 18 technical service cars, 23 technical service motors, and 4 crane cars.