Din Syamsudin Radical Allegations Are Despicable, MUI: He Is The Main Figure Of Wasatiyatul Islam

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) for Foreign Relations and International Cooperation, Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim, spoke up after accusations by certain groups that Din Syamsudin was part of a radical group.

According to Sudarnoto, this accusation is very heinous and cannot be justified.

"(Din Syamsudin) important world-class Muslim figures and leaders who are highly respected because for a long time they have promoted Wasatiyatul Islam or moderate Islam in various world forums," he said in a statement quoted by Antara, Friday, February 12.

One of Din Syamsuddin's important roles is to mainstream Wasatiyatul Islam. Din, he continued, was anti-radicalism on behalf of and for any motive.

"There is too much evidence and Din Syamsuddin's track record that can be examined to understand his views and attitudes towards radicalism and how to deal with radicalism,"

"In fact, he did not hesitate to criticize anyone who handled radicalism, extremism in radical and reckless ways. So, reports and accusations of radicalism addressed to Din Syamsuddin are heinous slanders and are ignorant," he explained.

He also asked any party and group to rethink, to carefully consider these accusations. The action did not bring any benefit.

"The Indonesian nation has been trusted by the international community through the world ulama meeting in Bogor several years ago to become the center of global Wasatiyatul Islam, and Din Syamsuddin is a recognized important figure and scholar," he said.

Therefore, according to him, the radical accusation against Din deeply offended the world's ulama and was detrimental to the interests of the nation.