APJII Committed To Strengthening A Safe Sustainable Digital Ecosystem

JAKARTA - As its commitment in strengthening a safe sustainable digital ecosystem, the Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII) initiated the 2023 Indonesia Global Connectivity Summit (IGCS).

However, this initiative is not only about connectivity. APJII General Chair Muhammad Arif emphasized that this initiative is also about the development of an intelligent, creative, and productive digital community.

"We are at a point where digital transformation is the key to our nation's development, and APJII is determined to ensure that every investment made not only produces better internet speed and availability, but also opens up new economic opportunities," Arif said in a statement received on Wednesday, November 8.

APJII has also set strategic steps to strengthen Indonesia's digital infrastructure, including encouraging the use of renewable energy and building sustainable internet infrastructure.

The highlight of the opening ceremony of the IGCS 2023 is the signing of "The Declaration of Gambling-Free and Hoax Digital Ecosystems," a statement of commitment that puts forward rejection of the spread of hoaxes and online gambling, as well as supporting inclusive digital literacy education.

This declaration also emphasizes the importance of strategic multi-sectoral collaboration to formulate and implement policies that support the development of a strong and equitable digital ecosystem throughout Indonesia.

APJII hopes that the 2023 IGCS and the Declaration of the Judicial-Free and Hoax Digital Ecosystem will be a milestone for Indonesia in realizing the vision of becoming a digital, resilient, and sustainable nation.