Kemenkop UKM: Realization Of Procurement Of Capai MSME Products Rp221.49 Trillion

Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises Teten Masduki said that until November 1, 2023, the realization of the procurement of goods and services (PBJ) for MSMEs had reached Rp221.49 trillion.

"As of November 1, 2023, progress has been recorded with the realization of PBJ UMKM of IDR 21.49 trillion and domestic products (GDN) of IDR 474.62 trillion," said Teten, quoted from ANTARA, Tuesday, November 7.

Teten said, this figure indicates progress in the realization of PBJ UMKM.

A report from the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP) noted that the expenditure of MSME goods/services has reached 37.6 percent of the government's target of setting 40 percent.

"The target of 40 percent of MSME spending has only reached 37.6 percent. This figure is quite good compared to the previous year. But we still have to fight for it," said Teten.

In 2022, he continued, PBJ Indonesia was faced with a challenge in which more than half of transactions had not been recorded in the Electronic Procurement System (SPSE).

This shows that there are great opportunities to be able to be used again, especially in self-management and direct procurement.

Even though 87 percent of MSMEs have been involved in e-catalog with a large number of products, Menkop Teten assesses that many MSME products have not been sold.

Therefore, at this time he highlighted the need to address various strategic issues that include market optimization for TKDN certified MSME products, uneven socialization of PBJ and TKDN, empowerment of MSMEs to compete in the era of global disruption and adaptation to rapid innovation.

Teten said that his party will focus on empowering MSMEs to encourage the transformation of the procurement of goods and services through the first few steps, providing training and mentoring programs.

Second, expanding access to financing. Third, simplify business licensing, provide access and assistance for certification.

Fourth, increasing the production capacity of MSMEs, facilitating business matching.

Fifth, manage the Cooperative and MSME catalogs and strengthen regulations.

"We will strengthen the MSME cluster with solid business cooperation, competitive fiscal incentives, and adequate infrastructure," he concluded.