Former Fuji Employee, Abdul Bongkar Claims To Be Silent When Cursed

JAKARTA - After Fuji provided clarification regarding the delay in paying his employee's salary. Now it is the turn of his former employee, Abdul, who opened his voice regarding the boss's original nature, alias Fuji.

Abdul through his Instagram story which was re-uploaded by the Instagram account @lambe_danu said that he had often been scolded with harsh words. But all this time Abdul admitted that he was silent and tried to be patient.

"I'm a person who is often abused" with 4njin9 B*ngsat,t*lol, B3go in front of many people. But I'm silent and try to be patient, I know my mistakes and that often happens. People closest to you actually don't even know, but don't dare to speak up," wrote Abdul, quoted by VOI from Instagram @lambe_danau, Tuesday, November 7.

Then regarding his salary, Abdul explained that after his work contract with Fuji was completed his salary did not go down immediately. And he argued that he had asked for his salary according to the requested procedure.

"After completing the salary contract, I didn't go down, I didn't speak up to the social media, even though the route asking for my salary was done, the evidence was there," he continued.

Abdul also said that it was a natural thing when he told his friend who was suspected of having the @hay_tje account alias Titis Nuraini who was also the first person to upload this incident.

"I told my friend that it was a natural thing. I was wrong, I was a human being who used to vent. To express my heart's feelings, can't I? And it turned out to be up? Then it was my fault? Because it's already all my fault. I've explained above, "continued Abdul.