Satire PSI Who Accused Of River Normalization Is Deleted, Deputy Governor Of DKI: Read More Carefully

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria emphasized that the river normalization program was not removed in the changes to the 2017-2022 medium-term regional development plan (RPJMD).

RPJMD is a development planning document that contains the vision, mission, and programs of the regional head promised since the term of office for a period of 5 years.

This refutes the accusation from the Jakarta DPRD's Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) that the river normalization is not proposed as a future program. Riza asked PSI to read the revised draft RPJMD more carefully.

"Please anyone who is a member of the DPRD, if you want to express your opinion, that is the right and the authority and the duty. However, we ask that it be read more carefully before giving a statement to the public," said Riza on Thursday, February 11.

Riza said that subgai normalization is a fairly effective program for flood control and prevention. Therefore, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan continues to use the legacy program of former DKI Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok).

"Pak Anies, we all accommodate all input to support the aspirations of the community and also continue the previous leaders' programs that we believe in and feel good about," said Riza.

Previously, Head of DKI Bappeda Nasruddin Djoko Surjono also emphasized that river normalization activities are still listed in Chapter IV. This is also in line with the joint agreement for the Flood and Landslide Mitigation Action Plan in the Jabodetabekpunjur Area 2020-2024.

Where, the Ministry of PUPR will carry out the construction of flood control in rivers / streams which is the authority of the Central Government and the Regional Government to support land acquisition at the river / river locations to be worked on.

"In fact, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has been carrying out land acquisition on rivers / rivers, which supports the normalization implementation by the Central Government," said Nasruddin.

Previously, member of the PSI DPRD DKI Fraction Justin Untayana said that the river normalization program was removed in the draft revised RPJMD. Justin regrets the attitude of Anies, who has served for 3 years, but has not been able to acquire land for the normalization program.

"The problem is, Pak Anies has been serving as Governor for more than 3 years, but the promise of the river naturalization and normalization campaign seems like nothing has been realized at all. If Pak Anies removes the river normalization from the RPJMD document, then the residents of Jakarta will suffer losses due to the continuing flooding, "Justin said in his statement.