KPU BOGOR Regency Set 881 Names To Enter DCT Members Of DPRD

BOGOR - The General Election Commission (KPU) of Bogor Regency, West Java, has named 881 names of permanent candidates (DCT) for legislative members in the 2024 Bogor Regency DPRD Member Election.
Head of the Bogor Regency KPU Herry Setiawan in Cibinong, Bogor, Saturday, said the DCT consisted of 578 men and 303 women.
Initially, he said, 18 political parties participating in the 2024 General Election registered 971 candidates for legislative members (bacaleg), then 883 candidates (DCS) were registered, then 881 candidates were recorded.
"A person died at the time of DCT. However, the name of the legislative candidate has not been deleted, we are still waiting for the deletion menu after the DCT determination," said Herry.
A total of 881 legislative candidates will compete for 55 seats in the Bogor Regency DPRD from six electoral districts (dapil).
The composition of electoral districts in Bogor Regency, namely Electoral District 1 (Cibinong, Citeureup, Sukaraja, and Babakanmadang) with a total allocation of 9 DPRD seats.
Next are electoral districts 2 (Gunungputri, Jonggol, Cileungsi, Cariu, Sukamakmur, Tanjungsari, and Klapanunggal) and electoral districts 3 (Ciawi, Cisarua, Megamendung, Caringin, Cijeruk, Tamansari, Cigombong, and Ciomas) each with a allocation of 10 DPRD seats.
Electoral District 4 (Ciapea, Cibungbulang, Pamijahan, Dramaga, and Tenjolaya) with an allocation of 7 DPRD seats, then Electoral District 5 (Leuwiliang, Rumpin, Jasinga, Parungpanjang, Nanggung, Cigudeg, Tenjo, Sukajaya, and Leuwisadeng) with an allocation of 10 DPRD seats.
The 6 electoral district consists of Parung, Gunungsindur, Kemang, Bojonggede, Ciseeng, Rancabungur, and Tajurhalang with an allocation of 9 DPRD seats.