The Risk Of Herbal Ingredients For Children Under 6 Months, Parents Must Know!
YOGYAKARTA Herbal ingredients made of natural ingredients, such as spices, roots, rIP, leaves and fruits are often used as alternatives to overcome health problems. In addition, herbal ingredients or what is familiarly called herbal herbs can also help increase children's appetite and overcome other complaints.
However, herbal ingredients should not be given carelessly, especially to babies under 6 months. So, what are the risks of herbal ingredients for children under the age of 6 months? Check out the full information below.
Citing the Ai-Care page, giving herbal ingredients to babies under 6 months old can cause poisoning.
When the baby is not even 6 months old, the only liquid and food that can enter the stomach is breast milk or formula.
Whatever the reason, such as hot weather so that the child is not fussy or so that the child does not get cold, you should not give other fluids without instructions from the doctor.
This is because the digestive system in babies under six months of function is still not optimal. In addition, the size of the stomach is very small and can only accommodate 1-2 sdt or about 5-10 ml of food.
Providing water to babies under the age of 6 months can cause poisoning. Moreover, water does not contain any nutrients so that babies may also experience malnutrition.
Likewise with herbal ingredients. Provision of herbal medicine to babies has the same or even more dangerous risks, considering that herbs contain natural water and chemicals.
The concoction of herbal medicines made in traditional ways may also still contain heavy metals, bacteria, or other chemicals that can injure the baby's stomach.
In addition, babies may also experience allergic reactions or poisoning due to substances contained in herbal ingredients.
The risk of herbal ingredients for children under 6 months, which can lead to aspirations, increase the risk of infection, digestive disorders, and even death.
So, at what age can children be given herbal ingredients?
Still according to Ai-Care, babies aged 12 months or 1 year are still required to be given breast milk or formulas other than their accompanying food. At this age, you can introduce it to traditional herbs made from turmeric, ginger, kamomil flower tea, and so on.
However, you still need to be aware of the allergic symptoms that may arise after the administration of herbal ingredients, including:
Immediately get medical help if Anta's baby experiences signs of the allergy.
Most herbal ingredients have unpleasant taste for children. To make the taste more delicious, you might add honey or sugar.
However, the addition of sugar or honey is not recommended for babies under 12 months. Sugar is at risk of causing tooth damage and also increasing diabetes. While honey may cause botulism or poisoning in the baby.
In addition, babies aged 12 months also do not require large portions of herbal medicine such as adults. They may only need a few tablespoons or tablespoons that are dissolved in warm water so that the taste becomes more neutral.
This is information about the risk of herbal ingredients for children. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.