Towards A Golden Indonesia, Airlangga Calls 2024 A Krutial Momentum

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said Indonesia Gold 2045 is a big goal that needs to be realized by involving hard work and collaboration from various parties.

"The implementation of economic transformation and optimization is the basis for achieving this," he said in his official statement, Thursday, November 2.

Airlangga said that Indonesia is currently at a crucial moment to prepare various prerequisites to realize this target.

According to Airlangga, 2023 and 2024 are the first steps to strengthen the foundations of economic transformation launched in 2025.

"structural reform is the key to the success of sustainable economic transformation," said Airlangga.

Through the Draft National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2025-2045 which is currently being prepared to draft its laws, the Government has compiled a draft stage economic transformation.

Airlangga explained that each stage has a target for achieving economic growth, a target for the role of the manufacturing industry towards GDP, and a target for the proportion of the middle class.

In addition to strengthening economic transformation, policy strategies are also implemented to encourage optimization, one of which is targeting aspects of Human Resources (HR).

On the other hand, it aims to increase competitiveness, as well as increase labor productivity through education and employment reforms.

Furthermore, improving regulations and ease of doing business is one proof of the Government in carrying out structural reforms.

Airlangga said Indonesia has various capitals to achieve the vision of Indonesia Gold 2045, namely Human Resources which are approaching the peak of the demographic bonus, which we can only get in the next 13 years and will only happen once in a nation's civilization.

"Therefore, we cannot just wait or we are passive. We must be active, so that we can achieve the demographic bonus for the 13 years," said Airlangga.

In addition, various efforts related to the use of Natural Resources (SDA) are also carried out through export diversification and downstream efforts as a first step towards industrialization. Currently, downstreaming has begun by building an electric vehicle battery ecosystem or electric vehicle and mineral downstream.

In the international arena, Indonesia is also trying to apply for accession to become an OECD member. The process of preparing accession requires a number of regulatory frameworks and domestic standards that must meet OECD standards.

This government effort will also go hand in hand with efforts to increase Indonesia's competitiveness as part of the transformation into developed countries, equivalent to other OECD members.

The implementation of various policy pipelines certainly requires support for the quality of institutions and good governance.

For this reason, in the Draft RPJPN 2025-2045, the transformation of governance is also one aspect of transformation that will continue to be worked on by the Government.

Airlangga conveyed that with the current solid economic fundamental conditions and various policies that have been implemented and with efforts to mitigate future policy directions, the Government is optimistic that it will be able to realize Indonesia Gold's vision in 2045.