South Kalimantan Police Destroy 22.35 Kg Of Crystal Methamphetamine From 7 Narcotics Cases Whose Handling Involves PPATK

KALSEL - Directorate of Drug Investigation of the South Kalimantan Police (Kalsel) destroyed 22.35 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine (kg). The narcotics evidence was confiscated from 11 suspects in seven different cases.

"In addition to methamphetamine, 28 ecstasy pills were also destroyed," said South Kalimantan Police Chief Inspector General Pol Andi Rian R Djajadi while leading the destruction at the South Kalimantan Police Headquarters in Banjarmasin, Tuesday, October 31.

Kapolda mengatakan dari sabu yang gagal beredar itu, Polda Kalsel berhasil menyelamatkan 89.441 orang dari penyalahgunaannya jika dalam setiap gram sabu-sabu-sabu dapat digunakan oleh empat orang.

The evidence that was destroyed was part of the disclosure of the period from September 21 to October 26, 2023.

Over the past month or so, the South Kalimantan Police revealed 124 cases of narcotics crime and arrested 165 suspects with a total evidence of 24,540.48 grams of crystal methamphetamine, 36 pills of ecstasy, 3,907 pills of G-list drugs and cash from transactions of Rp125 million.

The Regional Police Chief said that several prominent cases that were revealed this time came from the west route of Kalimantan, namely West Kalimantan which entered Central Kalimantan and finally went to South Kalimantan as a marketing destination.

"From the suspects arrested, we are also investigating the flow of funds transactions in collaboration with the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) to trace their assets in order to develop into money laundering crimes (TPPU)," said the Kapolda.

Sementara Sulkan selaku Staf Ahli Bidang Pemerintahan, Hukum dan Politik mewakili Gubernur Kalsel Sahbirin Noor memberikan apresiasi tinggi atas prestasi Polda Kalsel yang konsisten dalam mengungkap peredaran narkoba hingga terbongkarnya beberapa jaringan besar.

"The hard work and dedication of Polri members at the South Kalimantan Police is worthy of appreciation, let's continue to support all efforts to eradicate drug trafficking in order to save the nation's next generation from being destroyed by taking drugs," he concluded.