Bank Jatim Increases Digitalization To Encourage Customer Improvement

JAKARTA - PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk (BJTM) or Bank Jatim will focus on developing digital services for better customers.

President Director of BJTM Busrul Iman said that he had prepared several strategies that would be carried out by the company to enter a new business, namely through the provision of products and services that were in accordance with the needs of the general public.

Meanwhile, in terms of transactional terms, banks provide services for the community segment with above-average managed funds which of course require special treatment, such as Priority East Java Services.

Meanwhile, this service is provided for customers with a minimum managed fund of IDR 250 million for a certain period.

"There are many advantages, such as competitive deposit interest rates, discount offers from merchants who work together, and special/privilege services are available in several business outlets and the company's branches," he said in his presentation of the performance in the third quarter of 2023 on Monday, October 30.

Busrul added that banks will continue to develop digital services to facilitate customers and prospective customers in transactions.

Furthermore, the bankjatim will cooperate with distribution partners appointed by the government, and have launched the JConnect Investment application to make it easier for customers to invest in State Retail Securities.

In addition, the bankjatim also provides an online account opening service using JConnect PRO which allows prospective customers not to come to the office.

Meanwhile, this service is able to make a positive contribution both in increasing the outstanding third party funds, JConnect utilization which is the Company's digital brand, increasing the Company's Numbers of Account (NoA), and increasing fee-based income.

"From all the strategies implemented, it is our way to play in the new market area and has proven to be able to increase the number of NoA from the company's customers by 10.54 percent," said Busrul.

Busrul added that banks have developed digitalization in the Regional Government ecosystem through the Regional Government Transaction Electronic Service (ETPD), which is in collaboration with every city/district in East Java and the Provincial Government.

According to Busrul ETPD, it can make it easier for the public to communicate with the local government regarding financial transactions by using bank East Java services from upstream to downstream.

"We hope that the community and stakeholders will continue to support banks in order to accelerate businesses that not only grow organically, but also non-organic," he concluded.