Big UFO Photos Over Chile In 2010 Remain Mysterious Until Now
JAKARTA - An image featuring the giant UFO object above Chile in 2010 has been described as completely unidentified by alien hunters.
The image shows a bright orange object hidden behind the clouds and taken by a family that was masking in the Andes Mountains in 2010.
The National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena (NARCAP) investigated the sighting in the same year. But scientists are now reopening the case as part of a new documentary trying to prove or refute strange phenomena.
"This object is completely unidentified, so it is a genuine UFO," said a physicist from the University at Albany. The image was taken during the day on Sunday, which shows the sun shining through white clouds and a reddening cloud band on the left, surrounding an'solid' orange object with an 'attractable surface detail', according to a NARCAP report.
The story of this image began on February 14, 2010, when a couple and their one-year-old daughter spent the day in El Yeso Reservoir.
The mother took 16 photos of the stunning valley and sky, and after returning home, she saw reddish clouds with objects inside.
The Chilean government shared the photo with NARCAP, an aviation professional advisory agency investigating UPAs and aviation safety.
Ted Roe, head of the organization, conducted a lengthy analysis of the image and published a 23-page report on July 2, 2010. The case was then deserted after the report was quietly released in July.
This display is featured in "The Proof is Out There" on the History Channel, where experts determine that no camera effect is associated with'spots' and conclude that the object is a'real UFO'.
This report stated that some of UAP appeared to be blocked by cirrus clouds or cirrocumulus, making it difficult to assess the true size of the UAP. However, NARCAP believes that the object could have a length of more than 200 feet.
Now, 13 years later, a mysterious case in the Andes Mountains has reopened for further investigation.
"The Proof is Out There" is a non-fiction series that involves experts investigating videos and images of strange sightings taken by the public.
An episode of the show featured an expert on astronomy and video effect designer Mark de Antonio, who explained that the strange formation could be caused by prisma effects.
Harris said the decision did not mean that it was an alien, but meant it was completely unidentified.